the (shop) archive

User Testing Prototype and Survey (1/2)

Please return and view on desktop to participate.

Click the prototype window & type "F" to view in full-screen as needed, and type "Esc" to exit full-screen and return to the survey.


The prototype to the right is interactive. You can scroll and click.


Only certain elements of this prototype are clickable.


If you're unsure where to click, you can click anywhere to briefly see what's clickable.


If you get stuck, use the restart icon at the below the prototype screen.

Basic Information

  1. Home Page

Please remain on the home page for this portion of the survey.

  1. Explore

Click on the "Explore" tab in the top right to continue. Scroll around and feel free to navigate the tabs below the search bar (Shops, Curations, Tags), as well as any clickable dropdowns.

  1. Shop Page

To continue, while on the Explore page in the Shops tab, please click on the shop "Miaou."

  1. Search

Please tap the Search Bar to continue, but avoid selecting "Advanced Search" tab for now during this portion. Click as needed for the below questions.

Once you're done, or at any point, click the search bar again to close it and return to the default state.

  1. Profile Page (My Archive)

In the navigation, click on the sample profile photo in the top right to head to the My Archive page.

  1. Overall Feedback